Graduate School.

Going to graduate school is something that I have though about for a very long time. However, I didn't think I would be getting a Master of Public Health (MPH), let alone a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH).

Yep, I got into the DrPH program at Loma Linda University in California. After a year of obtaining experience out in the field, I decided it was time to pursue a higher degree.

I spent several days emailing my professors at California Baptist University to see if I should apply to schools. They encouraged me to apply to more than just Loma Linda University (LLU). I had considered multiple schools, one in Tennessee and one in New York. I even wrote a statement of purpose for the schools I was planning on applying to. But to consider those schools, I had to think about money. Applying to multiple doctoral programs can be expensive. In addition to completing and paying for a SOPHAS application, you have to complete a secondary application that often costs money. I was lucky enough to have my secondary application fee waived at LLU.

I really wanted to apply to more schools, but I could not afford to. So Loma Linda was the simple and least expensive choice.

After submitting my SOPHAS application, I waited about a week to receive information on the secondary application. (I had to wait for my previous universities to send transcripts to SOPHAS)

Then, I completed the secondary application and was only given a week to do so. There were several essay questions and other informational items that needed to be completed. After completing all the essay questions, I submitted the application. It took me a couple of seconds to actually submit my application. I'm not sure why I was so nervous in the first place.

About a month goes by and I receive an email saying faculty would like to meet me in an interview. The interview would last 15 minutes. FIFTEEN minutes! I had a friend who was accepted into the program and he had a 45 minute interview. Discovering this, I immediately panicked. Only 2 thoughts were running through my head: either they don't care enough to have a longer interview or I was already in the program. I preferred the latter.

The admissions interview that I was freaking out about came and went. A week later, I received an email saying I was officially accepted into the DrPH program. I was at a conference down in Tucson, AZ when I received the news. I couldn't believe it! I NEVER thought I would be here. It was an amazing feeling.

So now it's May 1st and I just accepted my financial aid which will cover the cost of everything.

I am beyond excited but also nervous. I've heard things about the program that scare me. A professor told me she developed full-blown hypertension after the completion of the program. My professor is in her 30's.

This is going to be a long journey. I am excited for the change and the person I will become after completing this program. BRING IT ON!

FYI: My future blog posts will most likely be about graduate school. YAY!


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